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Ekologistak Martxan claims for works near the Lemoiz landfill

  • Ekologistak Martxan has filed a complaint with public institutions about the land movements and felling of trees on Mount Jata de Lemoiz carried out by Puente Baray Forestal. The study conducted by the Environmental Group in 2019 has demonstrated the presence of lindane in the area’s tree vegetation and has called for preventive measures.

13 May 2020 - 07:26
Argazkia: Ekologistak Martxan.

On Mount Jata de Lemoiz, Ekologistak Martxan once denounced the presence of lindane very close to the landfill. This time, next to this landfill is the Puente Baray Forestal S.L. Ekologistak Martxan has lodged a complaint with the Provincial Council of Bizkaia, the municipalities of Lemoiz and Mungia and the Vice-Ministry of the Environment.

The environmental group denounces that "these actions cannot be carried out without taking into account the preventive measures necessary to avoid contact with the residues of HCH lindane".

Risks of lindane in the area

Ekologistak Martxan does not know whether the company Puente Baray Forestal has carried out studies and reports on the presence of HCH lindane before cutting the trees. The group considers that tree vegetation that can be cut down should be controlled, i.e. "adopt appropriate safety measures and, if necessary, manage the resulting materials as hazardous waste". It has therefore asked the Municipality of Mungia and the competent authorities to take the necessary safety and prevention measures.

Studies conducted by Ekologistak Martxan in July 2019 show that in the tree vegetation near the landfill there is a hexachlorocyclohexane of 3.14 to 6.47 mg/kg (HCH lindane). "This continuously pollutes the environment and poses a risk to the health of the population, especially for people who may be in contact with this vegetation," the collective said. "In case of forest fire, a decomposition phenomenon of HCH can occur and, consequently, the formation of phosphate. This would have serious consequences for the environment and for the health of fire-fighting workers and others. Cutting trees can also affect the personnel in charge of cutting, handling, transporting and subsequent use of wood, as well as the persons and facilities involved in the processes that take place until the final product is obtained, which can be a dispersion factor for pollution".


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