The Ministry of Finance says that no dossier is currently being processed to transfer to the Basque institutions the land occupied by the Lemoiz nuclear power plant. It thus responds to Eguzki’s request for information. Given the lack of transparency on this issue, the environmental organization asked him about it last June, taking advantage of the presence of a new government in Madrid.
The Ministry’s response has surprised us. It should be noted that Mariano Rajoy and Andoni Ortuzar, the leaders of the pp and the PNV respectively, signed an agreement on 3 May 2017 for the approval of the General State Budgets, and according to point 6 of the same, the Spanish Government undertook to give "immediately" to the Basque institutions the land occupied by the Lemoiz power plant. At this point it was specified that the spigon or spigon built in the maritime public domain would be included in the assignment and that the transfer process would begin “immediately”.
This one of Lemoiz was one of the “surprises” of that agreement, so it was “sold” among the citizens and became a good source of speculation about the Government’s plans for these plots. Until in November 2017, Economic Development Minister Arantxa Tapia announced his intention to implement a large aquaculture project in Lemoiz.
Lack of transparency
However, the time was running and the assignment was not realizaba.Segun a news item published in April 2018 by El Mundo, the Ministry of Finance had reached an agreement with Iberdrola that the electricity company was exempt from liability in the natural restoration of the Lemoiz grounds. That seemed to us to be a great injustice. In fact, regardless of what is done at Lemoiz, the restoration work, as far as possible, will be obligatory and Iberdrola does not have to be exempted from the responsibilities that it might have in this field.
The information was plausible, but the truth is that Eguzki could not find any public documents referring to that alleged agreement. The lack of transparency was evident. That is why, taking advantage of the existence of a new government, we made a request for information to the Ministry in June.
The Ministry replies. He added that prior to the assignment the Ministry for the Ecological Transition should accurately delineate the land and declare that it is no longer necessary for the protection and use of the maritime public domain. In this regard, Eguzki has asked the Ministry for the Ecological Transition to also report on these issues to the Community Executive.
A use according to the story for Lemoiz
Moreover, Eguzki continues to sue Lemoiz for use according to history. What exactly does this mean? Well, it means that the quala of Basordá should be restored as far as possible from a natural point of view (without, of course, exempting Iberdrola from the responsibilities that Iberdrola may have in this task) and set up a public park, perhaps as a memorial site. El Sol does not exclude any other use, but provided that it is compatible with recovery and public use (is the macro-aquaculture project submitted by the Basque Government compatible with these objectives? ). In any case, regardless of the use given to these lands, Eguzki advises that the decision is not unilateral, but that it is a consequence of the greatest possible social consensus, as the memory should also serve to do so. In short, when we ask for use according to history, we ask: restitution, public use and consensus. Of course, the lack of transparency does not help along this road.
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Euskal Herrian eraiki nahi zituzten lau zentral nuklearren aurkako borroka babesteko, Jose Luis Zumetak, Karlos Zabala Arrastalu-k eta Bixente Ameztoik Lemoiz gelditu horma-irudia sortu zuten 1980an. Duela gutxi, Bilboko Arte Ederren Museoari eman diotela argitaratu zuen... [+]
Egun hauetan gertatukoarekin artikulu bat idazteko baino, enziklopedi oso bat idazteko gaia badago. LEMOIZko zentrala dela eta ETAk Joese Mª Ryan injiniadorea bahitu zuen.
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