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Explain the details of the Gazte Topagune of Lemoa

  • In the absence of 25 days for the Gazte Topagune, members of the Youth Organizations Ernai and Aitzina appeared on Monday: “These three months have not happened in vain, in auzolan we have been preparing the people, and we have also united the political-cultural program and the musical offer.”
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 3.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

26 March 2019 - 10:41
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The members of the organizations have explained the details of the Lemoa Gazte Topagunea and thanked the friends and friends of Lemoaztar and Aiaraldea for their work and dedication: “The work being done in the implementation of the people, in meeting all the needs and in the preparation of everything in permanent cooperation is immense.”

The Topagune, which will be held from 19 to 22 April in Lemoa (Bizkaia), is a suitable place for bringing together the work carried out for 40 years and, in addition, the young people approaching will take the strength to continue working. In fact, this month they have created a very comprehensive programme. “We have organised over 50 round tables and we continue to receive proposals for different talks and formations, but unfortunately the Gazte Topagune has no more than four days and cannot take it all up,” they explained. The Permanent Social Forum of the City of Bilbao has organized an open day in which different struggles will be addressed in Euskal Herria: feminism, sovereignty, youth power, people model, labor struggle, independence process, change of Navarre, sexuality... And they wanted to stress the importance of internationalism, as delegations from different countries will attend conferences: Blanca Eekhout, member of the Venezuelan Government, Jordi Borras, photojournalist, Camilo Cejas, member of the Uruguayan citizen participation movement…

The young people have also referred to the musical offer, and they have pointed out that, although it was published last week on the day of the concerts, there is still a group missing: “We still have a special surprise; it will be special for all young people that this group touches in Topagunea, also for them.”

But, according to the organizers, the Gazte Topagune goes beyond the musical offer and the political and cultural program: “It’s a four-day experience, an experience that you have to live in its entirety. From the mud of the camp, through the contents of the tables and to the last towel of the concerts.”

In addition, they will have several services: clothing store, radio, book fair, breakfasts, tickets, shower with hot water, medicine chest, toilets, snacks, dining room with the dish of the day, beverage offer, car parking and even vans. They wished to stress that in all services and spaces the philosophy of “zero garbage” will be based and that sexist, racist or xenophobic attacks such as the following will not be allowed: “There is a strong protocol to give a strong response to all of them.”

Creators' Square

One of the novelties of this year will be this space for young creators, which will have different disciplines, groups and people: writers, illustrators, bertsolaris, musicians, workshops, plays… In the words of the members of organizations, creators are essential to build a “free people”: “Because creativity is the basis of culture and we will hardly build Euskal Herria without the impulse of the culture of young people”.

This news was published by Topatu and we brought it thanks to the Creative Commons license.

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