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Lemoa hosts the Gazte Topagune 2019

  • From 19 to 22 April the Gazte Topagune organised by Ernai and Aitzina will be held: “It is approaching 40 years of the harvest of bellos and wrestlers, a great meeting between the independentist, Basque, socialist and feminist youth.”
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 3.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

22 November 2018 - 09:28
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

For four days, youth organizations have pointed out that the people of Lemoa will be filled with “screams, fights, colors, joy and melodies.”

Topagune’s motto will be “Impulses from freedom to independence!”, they explained, “because it is the time of young people, the newest impulse.” They affirm that they have received the witness of the struggle of these 40 years and that they are building the “foundations” of the Basque Republic with commitment, generosity and affection towards the people: “Young people are clear about the horizon and it is perceived that we are alive in many areas: from the feminist movement to the Basque country; from the struggles against precariousness to the dynamics of their own education; from the struggles for sexual freedom to the release of prisoners, refugees and political deportees. Creativity as a tool, we unite and feed hundreds of struggles, because we want to be free, in the free Basque Country that is alive.”

They have also stressed that this year’s Gazte Topagune will be the most special and unforgettable of all times, as it will have a varied and varied offer. Conferences, round tables, seminars, training workshops, sport and an offer of leisure without borders are the main objectives of this initiative. In addition, various music groups from Euskal Herria and internationally will participate, and they have many other issues that have not yet been made known.

As a particularity, in Gazte Topagunea there will be a Young Creators Square, accommodating all kinds of cultural disciplines: music, bertsolarism, writing, drawing… They have shown their intention to create an exhibition space, a space for debate and reflection among different young people to take steps in the “construction of Euskal Herria from culture”.

On the other hand, Ernai and Aitzina wanted to invite those who during these forty years have been “comrades” of the Basque Country and those who have joined in the future.

“But all of this is not built from scratch. They have been and are the auzolan and self-management the engine of our struggle,” they added, and this year, for the first time, they have announced that they will have joint days of auzolan: “The invitation to give a little push is open by joining the Auzolan for young and not so young.”

The bonds are for sale in all the counties of Euskal Herria and there is more information on the website of Gazte Topagune.


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