At today's trial, five people were called to testify as witnesses. The Secretary General of Mondragon, Arantxa Laskurain, the former President of Mondragon, José María Aldea and Txema Gisasola, the former General Director of Fagor, Fabian Bilbao and the Finance Manager of the Mondragon Group, Belen Kortabarria. In the end, however, at the request of the plaintiffs’ lawyer, Kortabarria did not testify. The rest confirmed Mondragon's version. In other words, no information was hidden and the partners were aware of the situation.
Raúl Tenés, a lawyer for Pago y Abasto, says that the witnesses have had clear contradictions in their statements.In addition, he says that progress has been made in demonstrating that the Mondragon Group is responsible, not in the light of what so many testimonies have said, but in the light of the minutes of the general assemblies and councils.
Mondragon’s lawyers, on the other hand, are also happy to come out of today’s oral hearing. For Arantza Estefania, a lawyer, it is clear that the theory of deception is true.
The first day of the trial sparked a lot of anticipation. A lot of media from the Basque Country and Spain joined this morning in Bergara. There were also a lot of people from Pago and Ontario. Although the outgoing entry of the witnesses has aroused interest, the possibility of seeing them enter and leave the court has not been allowed.
There will be a second oral hearing tomorrow. The witness will be Javier Sotil, former president of Mondragon, Agustín Markaid, who was responsible for the reconstruction fund to save the Fagor and Edesa cooperatives, Javier Retegi, former president of the Governing Council of Fagor and Ana Maria Beristain, former vice-president of the Cooperative. The program starts at ten o'clock.
This news has been published by Goiena and we have brought it to LUZ thanks to the CC-by-sa license.
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