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Works are under way in Andoain to enhance the ecosystem of the Leitzaran River

  • The City Hall of Andoain and the public body Ura of the Basque Government have begun a collaboration to restore the flow of the Leitzaran river in Gipuzkoa. The convention was signed in May and this autumn will carry out an intervention that will affect the riverside vegetation. Leitzaran is, among other things, the Area of Special Interest of the European Mink.

28 October 2021 - 15:22
Last updated: 17:50
Biotopo Babestua 1995etik, Leitzarani bizitza ematen dio ibaiak (argazkia:

The river ecosystem that gives the name to Leitzaran Protected Biotopo is being the subject of various actions within the framework of a protocol signed between the agency Ura of the Basque Government and the Andoain City Hall. The convention, signed in May, provided for the demolition of the old dams, the improvement of the river promenade, the sanction and the elimination of invasive species, particularly in the field of cesteria.

As you have explained, the work continues in the autumn of this year and is intervening in the ascending direction from the confluence of the Oria River with that of Leitzaran. In the Olagain district, for example, sanitation is being carried out and the river promenade in the area is also being improved. During the month of November the revegetation of the Leitzaran River will take place. The invasive species will be cut in advance.

Andoain Service Councilor Mari Jose Izagirre explained that the aim is to "value indigenous vegetation and improve the hydraulic behaviour of Leitzaran". The councillor has pointed out that Leitzaran is declared a Special Conservation Area and is, among other things, the residence of the European mink.

Waste collection by citizens

This was not the only recent intervention in cleaning up the river margins. On 8 October, organized by the City Hall and the Visitors' House, a garbage collection was carried out on the channels of the Small Train and Lizarkola, as well as on the margins of the rivers of the Bertxín plant.

The Leitzaran River has also been cleansed by citizens on the road to improving its ecosystem (photo: Casa de los Visitors de Leitzaran)


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