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In Leihotikan, come on! and Ibil Bedi will turn on the Nafarroa Oinez de Sangüesa

  • The Ikastola de Sangüesa organised a full programme for 19 and 20 October: A tour of 3.5 kilometers, three areas and eleven events for the great festival of the ikastolas of Navarra.

09 October 2024 - 07:07

“Looking at the sky and constantly looking at weather forecasts we are in the final preparations,” said the director of the ikastola de Sangüesa, Nagore Oria. The tour and the spaces are prepared and today they have presented the program for October 20.

The 3.5 km route will have three areas: The Piztu space, the Mintzatu space and the Enjoys space. The Piztu space will be installed in the village, where the smallest inflatable and the city of the children will be installed. The programme will feature the Mingain Dantzari show, the performance of the Ortzadar group and the concert of the Eztitan group, among others. Back in Mintzatu Goazen space! The concert will be at noon for the youngest and in the afternoon will be the scene of Ibil Bedi and Anari. Finally, in the Gozak area there will be a spectacle of falconry and performance by Kiki, Koko and Moko in the morning and in the afternoon at Leihotika, the concerts by Kale Urdangak and Trikidinak. A young man's mechanical bull will also be installed. Along the route, there will also be Txarangas from Oriente Kantuz, Eskartxa, Katxi and Lumberri, Sangüesa and Lumbier Gaiters, Aibar and Sangüesa giants, Ttunttuneros sin Fronteras, the Xapiru trikitixa school and the Joaldunak.

The organisation has reinstated the objective of a sustainable holiday and so have encouraged those who come to Sangüesa to bring a glass of wine from home. During the tour, besides monitoring the cleaning tasks, giant baskets will be installed at the party exits so that the Euskaltzales can point to their vessels before returning home.

You can check the full program here

Proposal for the whole weekend

“Nafarroa Oinez is going to be a weekend,” said Eneko Alkorta, head of the Napharroa Oinez activities committee, “On the eve of the great day, those who come to Sangüesa to spend the weekend, will have all the Saturday’s schedule, with the Kalejira de Gaiteros and Txistularis concert, the show of the maga Maria.” The organization has prepared a special motorhome area for all those who want to approach Sangüesa since Saturday, near the town centre.

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