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Drought increases concern for summer in Hego Euskal Herria

  • The disappointment of farmers is becoming widespread because, in addition to seeing how drought affects their production, the water restrictions they use from dams threaten their future. Water scarcity is especially notable in Álava and Navarra. To analyse the situation, the Navarra Drought Bureau will meet on 4 May.
Esako urtegiaren betetze maila %57an dago gaur egun. Argazkia: EFE.

In an interview by Hamaika Telebista to Pello Oria, a member of the State Meteorological Agency (AEMETE), he highlighted the lack of rainfall suffered by Álava and the warning that there is in Navarre by water scarcity on the axis of the Ebro River: “In Navarre only two thirds of the normal rains received since the beginning of September and in Álava the situation is similar.” The current filling degree of the Yesa reservoir stands at 57%, being usual at this time exceeding 80%.

According to the report just published by Copernicus, the European Climate Observation Service, Europe lived the second hottest year in its history in 2022, and summer was the hottest of all time.

According to the AEMETE member, climate change is an outstanding feature and says “severe and very rapid changes” are proven. He notes that the forecasts for this summer are "bad" and that summer is probably one of the hottest.

Despite the rainfall of the weekend, this does not alter the forecast. Euskal Secretary General Herriko Nekazarien Elkartasuna (EHNE), Patxiku Irusarri, pointed out in an interview in Euskalerria Irratia that he will collaborate but that in the short term he still has to do more rainfall: “If the marshes do not fill, in summer we will see red”.

He believes that in agricultural production “it has conditioned especially” the decision of what is cultivated: “Many instead of growing corn, are planting sunflower because it means less water consumption.” On the other hand, he stressed that in a land where two crops were placed one will be placed, because without water there are “large losses” and “production is reduced”.

The solution lies in the "modernisation of infrastructures"

The Secretary-General of EHNE points out that the solution lies in “infrastructure modernisation”. He also says that given the current climate change, those who are going to plant in the coming years will not be able to plant two crops and will have to “push ahead” with one.

Diego Galilea, CEO of the Association of Agri-Food Industries of Navarra, La Rioja and Aragon, also does not reject the construction of new infrastructures: “The needs foreseen in the design of the Navarre canal are not the present. We need more solutions. A study needs to be done taking into account the next 20-30 years.”

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