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Drought Table Activated in Navarre

  • The Drought Bureau was last convened in 2012. Due to the absence of rainfall, Rural Development has re-launched a joint diagnosis with the sector to follow the evolution and consequences of the lack of precipitation.

13 September 2022 - 06:53

The meeting reports on the impact assessment report on drought in the various productive sectors. In addition, the Government of Navarre has announced the contribution of EUR 6 million to deal with the plight of the agricultural sector and, above all, the livestock sector. “The measure will be mostly for the livestock sector, which is suffering the most from running out of pastures, to which must be added the increase in feed costs due to the war in Ukraine, together with the increase in energy costs,” said the Minister for Rural Development and the Environment, Itziar Gómez.

Reservoirs at historical minima

Forage maize, sunflower, almond, vineyard and olive grove have been analysed in the report commissioned from INTIA. According to the data obtained, it is estimated that the harvest of fodder maize has decreased by about 44%, that of cereal has decreased by 22% on average, that of sunflower by about 28%, that of almond by about 60% and that of olive grove by 10-15%.

As regards reservoirs and irrigation, the contributions accumulated during the months May-June-July are at the historical lows since 1980. Emergency of the Aragonese and Arbesa basins.

The meeting was attended by the Minister for Rural Development and the Environment, Itziar Gómez; the Directors General of Agriculture and Livestock and Rural Development; the Manager of the public society INTIA; and representatives of UAGN, EHNE, UCAN and ALINAR.

The Drought Bureau intends to remain active in order to monitor the situation.

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