After seventeen local council elects have been resigned, the breasts have to recompose the local council. This Sunday the face of the dispute will be clarified and hence the composition of the local council surrounding it. Dominique Idiarte, so far sued, is not easy on the road: the last in the first round of 19 February, with 891 votes, which reached 1,171 in the first round of 2020. In this period, in addition to the nationalists, the vast majority of those who supported Idiarte did not vote for him.
In fact, the candidature of Christophe Jaureguy, Hats Berri, comes with 1,080 voices. The Jaureguy list consists of nationalists and former majority voters who resign. In 2020, Senpere Bai, a left-wing and Abertzales candidate, won 474 votes and did not run for the second round, after a strategic election to meet Idiart. However, they did not succeed in cooperation, and last autumn the political crisis of the people was broken.
The ‘Agir pour Saint-Pee’ band, headed by Bernard Elhorga, the centre-right, was the one that most supported you in the first round, with 1,115 votes, 77 less than that of the centre-right in 2020.
The risk to those who formed the majority was evident: that the division favored the right. But the list of Hats Berri is very close – 35 votes – and it is about to see what they will do in the second round those who voted for the former candidate in the first round. Indeed, it is such a strong issue that, being the last force, more than one will vote strategically: centre-right or left. In any case, the three candidates seek to mobilise those who have not voted in the first round. Participation in the first round of 19 February was 43%.
These votes are organised by the resignations made last year. Ten of the majority voters ceased in October and seven of the opposition in December. "Municipal management requires information transparency and peaceful talks with all the voters," said the opposition's elect in explaining their resignation. Dominique Idiart is the criticism of the management of the dispute at the basis of the political crisis.
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