In 12 other localities, 33 list heads with which the Treaty has been signed attach their list for the second round. Bizi calls on voters to check whether their list has signed the Pact (here: before voting.
We refer to the following peoples:
AZKAINE: Pierre Clausell list, Jean-Louis Fournier list, Jean-Louis Laduche list, Bénédicte Luberriaga list, Gorka Taberna list; Baiona list: List Mathieu Bergé List Jean-René Etchegaray, Henri Etcheto list, Jean-Claude Iriart list; BIARRITZ list: Maider Arosteguy list, Guillaume Barucq list, Brice Morin list, Nathalie Motsch list, Michel Veunac list; Dominique Lavigne list, Marie-Ange Thébaud list; HENDAIA: List of Pascal Destrohaut, Kotte Ecenarro, List of Laetitia Navarro; ITSASU: List of Mikel Avenar, Jean-Paul Iturburua; MAULE: Beñat Elkegaray list, Michel Etchebest list, Louis Labadot list; Senpere list: List Jean-François Béderède, Dominique Idiart; URKETA: Sierra Raymond Darricarrère; URRUÑA: List of Philippe Aramendi; UZTARITZE: Bruno Carrère ready, Bruno Cendrès ready, Dominique Lesbats ready. ; ZIBURU: Dominique Duguet de Eneko Alross-Douat;
In those countries where the second round is going to take place, Bizi!k of course calls the lists that have not signed the Pact.
The Hitza Commission, which is responsible for monitoring the implementation of the commitments to which the finely selected lists are submitted at local and collegial level, will continue its work over the coming weeks and aims to disseminate them. People interested in participating in this Commission can already make their objectives known in the following direction
(*) Aizaburu, Aiherra, Aldude, Anauze, Arrosa, Azkarate, Baigorri, Banka, Behaskane, Bidar, Biriatu, Donazaharre, Donibane Garazi, Donapaleu, Eiheralarre, Ezpeleta, Ezterenzugamularte, Gabarte
Hauteskunde egunean, oposizioak ohartarazi bi akats nagusi onartu ditu epaileak.
Aktualitatea ez zait batere interesatzen –zutabe hauetarako, bistan da; bestela aktualitatearen kontsumitzaile ohikoa naiz, are garaiaren arabera tiraniaren menpekoa–; baina batzuetan iruditzen zait azkar asko ahaztuko dugun txikikeriaren batek erakuts dezakeela... [+]
Bigarren itzuli honetan ere urtetako lanaren emaitza lortu dute abertzale ezkertiarrek: Ziburun, Urruñan eta Itsasun auzapez izango dira. Bozketen lehen itzulian Biriatun eta Donapaleun irabazirik, Uztaritzen eta Baigorrin 2014ko garaipen historikoa berriz ere... [+]