According to the local press, the couple living at Notre-Dame-des-Landes has pioneered the collection of the family book in Breton and in French. It was on 10 March that the book was taken. Brendan Guillouzic-Gouret and Tifenn Merien are the parents of Lupita and they are clear that they want to transmit the Breton to their daughter. They hope that this family has opened a way to the rest of the population and that more people in Nantes will ask for a bilingual family book.
The couple considers that this fact or decision is very important: “It’s important for the rest of the families in Nantes to know.” In addition to making the book in Breton, they have argued that it would be good to carry out the procedure in Breton.
Elhadi Azzi, a civil state counselor who gave the book Brendan and Tifenni 1792.urtetik, said that it is the first time he has done so. From now on it expects more requests such as: “After the celebration, a couple came asking me if they can have such a family book. I'm sure there will be others." They have taken a great step in favour of minority languages, will it be a small boost to the situation in Euskera?
Iragan urtarrilaren hondarrean, Bretainiako lurraldeko bi hizkuntza gutxituei buruzko azken inkesta soziolinguistikoaren emaitzak publiko egin zituzten bertako arduradunek. Haiek berek aitortu zuten harriturik gertatu zirela emaitzak ikustean. Hain zuzen ere, egoerak eta... [+]
Ar Redadeg bretoieraren aldeko Korrika maiatzaren 4an hasiko da Kemperretik eta hilaren 12an bukatuko da Plougernen, 1.800 kilometro egin ostean. 2008an sortu zen Bretainiako korrika; aurten, beraz, hamargarren urteurrena ospatuko dute.
Uda honetan Bretainian ibili ginen. Bereiziki, famatu bilakatzen ari den Notre-Dame-des-Landes-eko ZAD-an(1). Han, mundu osoko lagun anitz topatu ahal izan genituen. Gainera, proiektu zehatz batentzat Euskal Herriko hainbat jenderekin ZAD-an elkartu ginen : leku intergalaktiko... [+]