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New Popular Front wins French elections

  • Although the official results are scarce, the first data indicate that the Ensemble of Macron has obtained between 172 and 192 deputies, while the RN is placed third, with 132 and 152. Prime Minister Gabriel Attal will resign as President of the Spanish Government on Monday.
Fronte Herritar Berria Liberation

07 July 2024 - 20:09
Last updated: 23:04
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

What was foreseen in the surveys has not happened: the far-right RN has not won the elections and the New Popular Leftist Front FHB is the first force. In the absence of official results, the first data indicate that the Ensemble of Macron has obtained between 150 and 170 deputies, while the RN is third, with 132 and 152.

Thus, the French Prime Minister will be left, so it is necessary to see which representatives are going to put him in the investiture. So far Prime Minister Gabriel Attal has announced that he will resign to the Congress of Deputies. "Following the Republican tradition, tomorrow [Monday] I will resign to the president of the Republic." The Ensemble has taken the decision in a very minority position, specifying that it will continue to exercise its functions until a new government is formed. In particular, the London Olympic Games, to be held on 26 July in France, have underlined the need to carry out the charges. President Emmanuel Macron has not taken the floor and announced that once the new composition of Parliament is clarified, he will make public "the decisions to be taken".

In the first round, the extreme right party RN emerged, with 33.15% of the votes, followed by the Popular Left Front with 27.99% and the Ensemble of Macron with 20.04%. In the second round, turnout has been high, with 59.71% at 17:00 hours, and voters have mobilized to cut the move to the far right.

"It has won social justice, it has won environmental justice and it has won the people," declared as soon as the results are known the left-wing representative, ecologist Marine Tondelier. The results have been greeted with surprise and joy by the left, and the citizens are very grateful for it. Fabien Roussel of the Communist Party has delivered the following message: "The people have avoided what was planned. I am proud of the people. We must respond to that breathing, it is so imperative. I call on the representative of France, Mr. Insumisoa, Mr. Jean-Luc Mélenchon, to clarify that the New People ' s Front will be in government: "In its own way, the FHB has saved the Republic." PSOE Secretary-General Olivier Faure has also stressed that the time has come to "build a new political project" for the French State.

Slap by the right tip

RN looked victorious, but nothing like that has happened. After the results of last Sunday, most of the polls could also obtain an absolute majority – 289 Members. As the dates advanced, the survey offices were above the absolute majority, but always with the first force of RNs. The fact is that, in order to cut the step to the far right, the New Popular Front (FHB) and the Ensemble of Macron had given the order to withdraw the candidates who are in the third position, in order to give more chances of defeating the far right. Between the two rounds there have been 224 withdrawals and the mandate has been almost complete for those on the left – 132 have been removed and five have been retained – while for the macro-synthesists it has not been so categorical – 81 have been withdrawn and sixteen have been retained. Thus, there have been triples between the NB of the extreme right, the HBV of the left and another, but much less: 409 for each hand, 89 triangular and two quartiles. The political strategy has worked, and its voters have turned to the candidate to cut the path to RN. Finally, the left has been the winner and the Ensemble of Macron has emerged with more force than in the first round, leaving the RN in third place. That is how the representative of the far right, Jordan Bardella, responded to the results: "Alliances of dishonor and dangerous electoral forms will prevent the French from having a policy of recovery."

The RN for the first time in France overseas

For the first time, the far right has achieved victory in some overseas areas which are still dominated by France. RN has won the seats of deputy in the islands of Réunion and Mayotte, in the Indian Ocean, as reported by the organisation. Nothing like that had ever happened. In Guadelupe, Martinique and Guyana, the New Popular Front on the Left has been imposed, which the Endesa League has won. In Polynesia, the struggle between the autonomists and the independentists has been won by two deputies, one by the independentists alone.

On the other hand, the surprise comes from the island of Kanaky: The victory was for the independentist Emmanuel Tjibaou, who obtained 57.33% of the votes cast. Loialista Alcide Pone was in front of him. Since 1986 there have been no independence from the island in the French Parliament. Kanak has two Members, and the second, however, is a loialist, Nicolas Metzdorf, with 42.41% of the votes. Since May, the atmosphere on the island has hardened, with the attitude of Paris starting the reproach of the independentists and the canacas in general. Emmanuel, the son of the independence leader Jean-Marie Tjibaou, is a reflection of the atmosphere on the island, as the brother of the new Member has been imprisoned in recent weeks. "It's a call for help, a cry of hope," said Emmanuel Tjibaou at a press conference.

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