These are the finalists who will act on December 14 from 17:00:
Directly classified:
Agin Laburu Rezola (third final) He also participated in the final in 2011, 2015)
Beñat Gaztelumendi Arandia (fourth final) He participated in 2007, 2011, 2015. Champion in 2015)
Jon Maia Soria (fourth finalist. He also participated in 2003, 2007, 2015)
Ranked by score:
Alaia Martin Etxebeste (third final) Also participated in 2011, 2015)
Ane Labaka Mayoz (has first final)
Oihana Iguaran Barandiaran (third final) Also participated in 2015 and 2017)
Beñat Lizaso Alberdi (has the first final)
Nerea Elustondo Plazaola (has the first final)
Access to final entries is available on the organization's website.
Finalists and genre of the Gipuzkoa Championship
The Bertsolaris Championship in Gipuzkoa will have its first equal final. The journey so far has been as follows, by gender:
Amaia Agirre was the first woman to sing in the final (Herriko artean, 1999). Since then they have been the women's free finals. In 2003, Maialen Lujanbio took the txapela, the first woman to wear Gipuzkoa and, for the time being, it is the only one. The two women who have sung the most in the final of Gipuzkoa are Alaia Martin and Oihana Iguaran (this is the third finals of the championship).
At the moment, the most Txapelas has been mourned is Aitor Mendiluze (has two). If Beñat Gaztelumendi were dressed this year, he would match the brand. And the bertsolari that most finals have disputed, for the time being, was Jexux Mari Irazu, who has disputed a total of five championship finals. The record shall be kept for at least three more years.
Here are the finalists per year:
- At the end of the 1991 Gipuzkoa Championship, eight men participated: Anjel Mari Peñagarikano (champion), Andoni Egaña, Xabier Perez "Euskitze", Jon Sarasua, Xebastian Lizaso, Iñaki Murua, Martin Rezabal "Olaso" and Mikel Mendizabal.
- Eight other men in 1995: Aitor Mendiluze (champion), Jexux Mari Irazu, Joan Jose Eizmendi "Loidisaletxe", Mikel Mendizabal, Iñaki Murua, Iñaki Zelaia, Jokin Sorozabal and Jose Ramon Elorza.
Amaia Agirre is the first woman to sing at the end. Maialen Lujanbio, the only one who has put the txapela at the moment. And Alaia Martin and Oihana Iguaran, the final ones that have disputed (the third)
- In the 1999 Inter-Village Championship of Gipuzkoa, five men and one woman participated in the final that was disputed in Azpeitia: In the Zarautz group will be Julen Zulaika, Andoni Egaña and Iñigo Manzisidor Mantxi. The Erniope team, Txomin Garmendia, Amaia Agirre and Jexux Mari Irazu will be in charge of the pre-season.
- In 2003 two women participated in the final and one woman took the Txapela de Gipuzkoa for the first time. These are the finalists of that year. The team of commentators will consist of Maialen Lujanbio (champion), Jon Martin, Aitor Mendiluze, Jon Maia, Iñaki Gurrutxaga, Jexux Mari Irazu, Ekaitz Goikoetxea and Amaia Agirre.
- in 2007, the other eight finalists were as follows: Aitor Mendiluze (champion), BEÑAT Gaztelumendi, Jon Martin, Jon Maia, Jexux Mari Irazu, Aitor Sarriegi, Unai
Agirre and Iker Zubeldia.
- In 2011, seven men and one woman participated in the final. These are: Aitor Sarriegi (champion), BEÑAT Gaztelumendi, Alaia Martin, Iñaki Apalategi, Agin Laburu, Jexux Mari Irazu, Jon Martin and Unai Agirre.
The most txapelas were Aitor Mendiluze (two txapelas) and the most finals he disputed was Jexux Mari Irazu (five finals).
- In 2015, six men and two women participated in the final. These are: BEÑAT Gaztelumendi (champion), Alaia Martin, Agin Laburu, Iñaki Apalategi, Unai Agirre, Oihana Iguara, Jon Maia and Arkaitz Oiartzabal.
- In 2017 the Bertsolaris Association of Gipuzkoa organized its second edition in Herriarteko format. Five men and this woman participated in the final: Joseba Otaegi, Haritz Mujika and Unai Mendizabal from the Karidadeko BENTA group. Oh... well! Oihana Iguaran, BEÑAT Iguaran and Ander Goikoetxea.
Jon Maia wins Tolosa semifinal
Thus remained the classification of the third semi-final disputed in the sports club Usabal de Tolosa:
Ekialdera begira jarri ditugu gaurkoan POTTO saioaren mikroak. Gipuzkoako Bertsolari txapelketa abian da aspaldian eta, azken fasean sartuta dugun honetan, 5 final laurdenak aztertu ditugu.