Ordizia’s tradition has been alive for over 500 years and is the first time a woman dances the aurresku. In the custom of the Esku-Dantza de los Santanamar only couples who have married during the year participate. The woman who danced the aurresku was Maria Balluerka and the one who danced the atzesku was Eñaut Gereñu.
In addition to the renovation of aurresku, there has been another change. The two majordomes that appear in the show were also women: Garazi Mujika and Larraitz Bueno. In total, twelve people, five couples and two butlers participated.
Although the decision will hardly affect the imbalance between schools, on the pretext of tackling segregation, the Government has withdrawn three pupils from the Public School of Ordizia for use in ikastola.
We have learned of the publication of the final registration lists... [+]
The Government ' s plan to address segregation will barely reduce the serious imbalance in Ordizia by 20 years.
The imbalance at source between schools in Ordizia is 31.5 percentage points. It has grown 25.5 points in the last eight school years. There is an imbalance... [+]
Despite the fact that we have brought together education officials on four occasions and made different proposals to them, they have not taken the necessary steps to get the situation back on track in Ordizia.
In the last year we have met four times with the senior officials of... [+]
Lur Olaizola zuzendari donostiarraren azken filmak Cinéma du réel jaialdiko lehiaketan parte hartuko du. Parisen egoitza duen festibalak martxoaren 11tik 20ra bitartean egingo du aurtengo edizioa.
On 12 January and 17 February, Jokin Bildarratz, Minister of Education; Begoña Pedrosa, Vice-Minister of Education; Eugenio Jiménez, Director of Centres and Planning; and Amaia Urzelai, Head of the Territorial Delegation of Gipuzkoa, approached to visit the Urdaneta Public... [+]