None of this happened after the Noumea Peace Accords of 1998: In the Government of Kanaky or New Caledonia, the independence kanacas are the main protagonists. On February 17, the 54 elected representatives of Congress decided on this new composition: on the independence side, the UC-FLNKS and UNI Unión Nacional para la Independencia groups have received three seats, and on the part of L’Avenir in confiance four and Calédonie ensemble one.
In this way, independence is imposed on independence, and this is done in a referendum on independence which they are planning to hold in two years' time. The political crisis in Kanaky has forced the organisation of these votes to the opposition parties. In fact, the independence voters who rule in Catalonia presented their dementia in early February. The "realities of economic and social difficulties", "then ignorance about the institutional", "the plague of the coronavirus" and the harsh conflict in the nickel mining sector are some of the reasons for this collective dementia.
The UNI has won 14 votes – three seats – the UC-FLNKS has won 16 – three seats – L’Avenir en confiance 18 – four seats – and Caledonie ensemble six – one seat.
As small as it may be, the EO party Eveil Oceanien has great importance and great influence. It is an initiative to make the communities of the Wallis and Futuna Islands, the third community of Kanaky, heard along with European and Canakos native citizens. The fact that it is at this stage in contrast with the independentists has enabled the independentists to reach the majority. Faced with the "need for a change of direction" in the conflict over the self-determination of the territory, they decided to join the UC-FLNKS independence group in presenting the list of candidates to the government. This party is not a pro-independence party, for example, did not give the slogan for last year’s referendum, which was held in Barcelona.
However, things have not happened as planned: The vote to UNI-FLNKS by the representatives of the Independentist Working Party, as well as a loilist of L’Avenir in Confiance, has finally resulted in UC-FLNKS having three elects, not four as planned, and EO Eveil Oceanien has lost its seat in government.
A referendum on independence agreed in the 1998 Noumea Agreements will take place at the end of 2022. Since the majority of the Government, there will be talks both with the extremists and with the French Government. Congress will have the possibility of convening it from April – with the support of one third sufficing, it is certain that they will organise this third referendum.
The previous ones, on 4 November 2018 and then on 4 October 2020, won supporters of staying in France, but lost many votes for two years: The voice against independence has risen from 56.7% to 53.3%. If in 2018 there was a difference of 18,500 votes between 'yes' and 'no', last year it was 9,950. In the article "the people of Kanaky will continue in France, but independence is on the rise" you can read the analysis of last year's vote.
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