Sources from the City Hall of LEGUTIO have reported that the Government Sub-delegation in Álava has sent you an order in this regard. Lehendakari has asked Basque prisoners and fleeing to feel "as soon as possible" on the balcony of the Casa Consistorial to remove the star that has the motto Euskal Herria and Askatasuna and has announced that, if it does not, it will launch the corresponding "judicial proceedings".
The City Hall has pointed out that, "in spite of everything else," the posters will be removed. "As you know, these kinds of litigation are lost by city councils, and taking into account the policy of rationalizing public money being carried by the City Council of LEGUTIO, even if it is against our will, the posters will be removed."
Jar gaitezen 2025erako proposamen politiko gisa, Espainiako Auzitegi Kolonialaren (AN) epai guztiak berrikusten hasteko eta makila bakoitzak bere belari eusteko.
Unionismoarekin lerrokatutako alderdi, sindikatu eta gizarte-erakunde gehienek, eta ez bakarrik horrela... [+]
Next Saturday, 11 January, the Sare citizens' network called for a new demonstration in Bilbao in defence of the rights of Basque prisoners. This is a unique opportunity to move forward on the path of coexistence in our people, after decades of violent confrontation and, even... [+]
Hatortxu Rock jaialdiko 29. edizioa egingo da larunbatean Atarrabian. Sarrerak jada agortuta daude, baina txandak osatzeko laguntza behar da oraindik.
What surprised you the most when you left jail? I've been asked many times in the last year and a half.
See that the streets of Bilbao are full of tourists and dogs with two legs, for example? Or the changes in the political situation? The first one has tired me and annoyed me... [+]