Spain’s Interior Minister, Grande Marlaska, said the 630 refugees from Aquarius will be treated like the rest who arrive in Spain. They will open the corresponding file to obtain regulation and/or asylum or expulsion from Spain. Asked if they will be treated like those who come in boats, the Minister of the Interior adds in an interview in Onda Cero that “the law will be applied.”
Aquarius Valencia is on the way. They are now divided into three ships: 106 people in Aquarius, and the remaining 524 aboard the Orione of the Italian Navy and the Dattilo of the Italian Coast Guard.
On the other hand, Grande Marlaska has said that it wants to eliminate the concert halls of the fences of Ceuta and Melilla and has requested reports to find another solution. “I will do everything in my power to remove the concertos,” Marlaska said, “because it is not acceptable to see people jump.”
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