The Immigration Act, voted on December 19 by Marine Le Pen of the far-right RN, has been qualified as "ideological victory". A text of that range in dreams did, but it didn't really represent it. Le Pen himself says: "I didn't expect text from that range." In fact, Emmanuel Macron has passed a xenophobic text that categorises citizens according to their origin, thanks to the protection of the right and the extreme right – 349 in favour, 186 against and 38 abstentions.
Among the measures taken is the refusal to grant social aid to regularised immigrants, who will have to live in France for five years without help for housing, childcare or health (two and a half years if they are working); those who come from the womb of immigrants of origin will not have to have the same nationality as before, and will have to consult the administration between 16 and 18 years of age; Parliament will set quotas to limit the arrival of immigrants.
This will obviously not limit the arrival of immigrants as the French Government would like, because the impact of French legislation is shy apart from the unsustainable geopolitical or economic reality of each. They will come and receive a strong welcome: the great chances of being expelled, the even more difficult road to regularisation, not impossible, and if they are acquired, France regards them as a second citizen.
Since the 1980s, the French Parliament has voted more than twenty immigration laws. The left or the right have been differences in power, but in recent years the tone has hardened. In this period, Macron has raised a little more: it legalizes the exercise of national priority and the denial of universal equal rights. To explain simply, since 19 December 2023 rights are not for everyone, because the denial of citizenship or regularization is not enough and is due to the origin of each.
The vote has caused an earthquake in the French Government. That is not true. Macron knew very well what worked. He has even taken the vote, there is nothing "almighty" in the Immigration Act. Minister of the Interior, Gerard Darmanin, said before the vote that the law contains a number of measures that go against the Constitution, but did not bother him. They know it and they see no problem with it. If Macron assumed that move with the extreme right, he seems to have made it official with the Immigration Act.
With 58.54% of the votes cast, Macron received the seat of president for the second time in 2022, thanks largely to the voters voted in his favor to cut off the road to Le Peni. Because he was the "Republican front" and "the ability to cut the road to the far right." On December 19, 2023, it clearly shows us what could have been noticed before: that message that had a hook to collect votes. Macron is ready to offer him what he wants, because he sees no problem in that xenophobic and racist policy. Looking ahead, a worrying consequence is that Macron has buried the idea of the Republican front of cutting the road to the far right.
In 2027 we will have the presidential elections in France again. Again with a powerful Le Pen, but unable to cut the road. In any case, the only option: the left. But a real left, a left with the ability to offer a credible alternative to those who have lost hope and hope.
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