The Parents Association of Lamuza Eskola, on behalf of all the families of the centre and with the support of the management and staff of the dining room, has sent a letter to the Education Advisor, Jokin Bildarratz. The aim of the text was to denounce the low quality of the school catering service, as the centre does not have a kitchen.
The students' relatives have opened, although the course has just begun, that complaints are becoming more frequent among children that food is not rich and "cannot be eaten". The head of the dining room and the management of the center confirm the opinions of the children.
Parents have also invited those in charge of the Department of Education to taste a meal "before arguing that the taste is subjective".
For families, the problem arises as a result of the fact that the Basque Government has prioritised economic criteria in the award of the service and, consequently, has delegated the work to the cheapest company.
In fact, this company prepares lunch in Logroño, 120 kilometers from the school, and parents stress that "you don't have to do a thorough investigation, simply write the company name on the internet, to know that in other Autonomous Communities it is known for its scarce service".
In this context, the AMPA of Lamuza has placed the catering service conflict in a broader context: "Current policies, through actions or omissions, destroy the public system and continue to strengthen the centres with public money".
It should be remembered that problems and collisions have increased in recent years in the field of public education in Ayala. The intention of closing the School of Zabala, closing the classrooms of the School of Areta or transportation have also been the circumstances that have led to the mobilizations.
2016ko hasieratik bosgarren aldiz, Europako Batzordeak ez du lortu EBko estatu kideen gehiengoa glifosato herbizidari baimena luzatzearen alde agertzea. Indarrean dagoen baimena aurtengo abenduaren 31n iraungiko da, eta beste hamar urterako berritu nahi du Batzordeak,... [+]
E. Coli bakterioak kutsatutako haragia topatu dute Ipar Euskal Herriko saltokietan, eta Vignasse et Donney enpresak adierazi du dagoeneko saltokietatik marka horretako eta Belliande markako haragi xehetua eta hanburgesak kendu dituztela.