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Culture of Laudio, looking for cracks to breathe

  • The members of the Gazte Asanblada de Laudio have organized dozens of concerts and activities with the aim of enriching the cultural offer of the town. Along this road, they have enjoyed the collaboration of agents of the Cultural Network: Orbeko Etxea, Sorginlarren, Kiriki, Laudio Banda... The cultural agents wanted to denounce all the obstacles that prevent them from organizing things and offering new places to the creators of the locality and the region. Step by step they draw a new and youthful map of culture.

17 August 2021 - 07:59
Malen Atxa sortzaile laudioar gazteak kontzertua eskaini zuen iragan uztailaren 24an. / Laudioko Gazte Asanblada

When the pandemic seems to have stopped all things, Laudio's agents have kept moving. In May, various groups and individuals from the town publicly presented the Laudio Cultural Network, through a cultural initiative in the Lamuza Park.

Among these groups is the Gaztetxe de Llodio. As usual, work has been done on the organization of various cultural activities, but there have been few obstacles and obstacles encountered along the way.

Precisely, the main objective of the May 15 initiative in the park was to denounce the "grave situation" of the culture in Laudio: "We wanted to show that there was a big gap in the village," the members of the Gaztetxe explained to the Aiaraldea media. To address this problem, they have the House of Orbe, Kirikiño, Sorginlar or the Music Band of Llodio. "The City Council has drowned, through administrative procedures, the projects of all these cultural agents," he added.

The Cultural Network brings to practice the demands; in this way they organized the Cultural Fair on 12 July in the Plaza Aldai de Llodio: "Several creators came together and published their papers. These types of spaces are essential to keep creativity alive. With actions, we've shown that there's another way to do things."

Overcoming barriers.

The members of the assembly explained that "the main objective of the Cultural Network is to denounce all the bureaucratic obstacles that cultural agents have in organising the initiatives". In addition, the pandemic situation has increased the requirements for organizing anything. "The agents of Laudio have made it clear that we have the capacity to successfully carry out the different projects," they have defended from the Gazte Asanblada. For example, the concerts by the workers of Tubacex or the performance offered by Malen Atxa on 24 July in the park of the Basque capital.

"The City Hall believes that we organize things so that they are fascinated and distracted by the cultural agents behind the situation. On the contrary, because we in the people see a vacuum, because there is a lack of a cultural offer that meets the aspirations of all citizens, we will complete that", they claimed.

The Casa de Orbe has set out as an example of all these bureaucratic obstacles the presentation of a book that it intended to organize in April: "They were asked for a lot of documents and measures, and in the end they were not allowed to do so because things can only be organized on behalf of a registered partnership, not on behalf of private individuals. It doesn't make sense.

Looking forward

In the coming months, Kultur Sarea has committed itself to continuing to feed the cultural offer of the locality, and so will the members of the Youth Assembly. This year, in addition, the Gaztetxe is 20 years old: "Throughout this course we will celebrate as it deserves this round anniversary of this reference space of Laudio culture."

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