The Russian Federation carried out irregularities to improve the performance of the country’s sportsmen between 2012 and 2015, but the plot has come to an end. In fact, it will not be able to participate in international competitions for the next four years. That means, among other things, that it has lost the opportunity to participate in the Olympic Games to be held in Tokyo in 2020. In addition, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has specified that neither will the Winter Olympic Games and the 2022 Men’s World Football Championships be able to compete.
The agency, which indicated that it had "a doping system organized by the State". Although the penalty affects participation in global competitions, the player will be able to play next summer at the European Football Championship.
What about clean athletes?
Almost 300 athletes were examined in their day by the WADA, and most of them have been guilty of it. On the other hand, underage or unassessed sportsmen will be entitled to participate in global competitions. The condition is that it comes on behalf of the International Olympic Committee.
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Guardia Zibilak 14 lagun atxilotu ditu Alacant, Valentzia, Valladolid eta Malagan, sendagaiak eta debekatutako hainbat substantzia sortu, faltsifikatu eta banatzen zituen talde kriminaleko kide direlakoan. Europan atzemandako produktu-kopururik handiena da DIANU operazioaren... [+]
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