29.7% of women and 23.3% of men in the CAV have an involuntary feeling of loneliness, according to the conclusions of the research group of the UPV/EHU. In the lower social classes and in the population over 80, the feeling is more general, but this loneliness influences the health of the population between 25 and 44 years.
The feeling of loneliness is related to a worse general health situation, with higher mortality, risk of hypertension and coronary disease, mental illness and the possibility of harmful behaviors for health.
Thus, considering that this is a public health problem, the study considers it essential to design interventions that reduce loneliness.
“Think about the situation in times of pandemic”
Unai Martín, one of the authors, stressed that the research was carried out before COVID19: “If, before everything we live today, there was such a feeling of loneliness, and we show the importance of loneliness for general health and mental health, let us think of the current crisis situation in which little account has been taken of the impact that the management of the epidemic is having on people’s health, beyond infections. It is possible that this kind of social isolation we are suffering is causing a huge impact on health.”
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