In defence of political rights, acquitted the defendants on 20 February. under the altar, last June they reported on the situation of young people detained in the Region of Pamplona (Navarra) in the face of protests over the imprisonment of Pablo Hasel. Nine people were intercepted by the police in February and March, and four of them were informed that they were going to be tried. On Wednesday, 19 October, at 09:30 a.m., the trial began.
In total, they require fines of more than EUR 17,000 for the four, but not only that, but they seek to impose total prison sentences of thirteen years and six months.
Widespread repression
In February 2020, rap singer Pablo Hasel was imprisoned, and protests were also held in Hego Euskal Herria, including the Socialist Youth Coordinator and the local Socialist Councils. The response to these protests was the same throughout the Spanish state: police repression and persecution reacted to the mobilizations.
In particular, in Pamplona, on the night of 20 February, a demonstration was held called by the SGG of the Region of Pamplona. Both the Foral Police and the Spanish Police faced the protesters and there were riots in the Casco Viejo de Pamplona, Chantrea and Errotxapea.
Two people were arrested in police protests that night. On 4 March, however, seven more persons were arrested by the Spanish Police in connection with these events. Thus, a total of nine people were detected.
Born 2 October 1968. A few months earlier, the student movement started on June 22 organized a rally in the Plaza de las Tres Cultura, in the Nonoalco-Tlatelolco unit of the city. The students gathered by the Mexican army and the paramilitary group Olympia Battalion were... [+]
We Basques know that the State apparatus is prepared to take advantage of repressive forces of all colours and repressive mechanisms in all forms, in order to maintain social order within a system based on domination, even if to do so they have to infringe a law created to their... [+]
Aroztegia proiektuaren kontrako protesta baketsuetan parte hartzeagatik ezarritako zigorrari aurre egiteko diru-bilketa abiaraziko dutela iragarri du herri kolektiboak.
Fuerteventura (Canary Islands), 11 February 1954. The Agricultural Colony of Tefia was launched at the abandoned airport of the island, in the middle of the desert. After the euphemism of the agricultural colony, in practice, Tefia was a concentration camp known mainly for the... [+]