Nine people will be tried in November in Atxuri’s Bilbaite district for protesting Vox, according to the Ertzaintza report. They are charged with a hate crime “for obstructing an electoral act of Vox”. The Public Prosecutor ' s Office calls for sentences of between seven and fourteen months ' imprisonment, while the extreme right requests penalties of between four and eight years ' imprisonment.
In November 2019, coinciding with the election campaign, Vox installed a propaganda post in the Plaza de la Encarnación, in the district of Atxuri. At around 17:00 in the afternoon, several people approached the area to protest and also came to the place several vans from the Ertzaintza. The police arrested three people, at least one was injured and identified six others for "disobedience to authority and violation of the Electoral Law."Five years later, the sentence will be known on 18-19 and 20 November, and the Prosecutor's Office requests penalties ranging from seven to fourteen months in prison. The right-wing party Ultra has been brought forward as a private indictment and is asking for 4-8 years' imprisonment.
In Bilbao they have created a group for the people involved, “to show solidarity and support to the people who gave the passage of Vox to ideology and activity in the face of fascist speeches that protected migrants, women, marginalized, minority languages and sexual and gender diversity”.
The platform has claimed that the fascist parties "have no place anywhere, let alone in a working-class neighborhood like Atxuri". They also called for a concentration of "solidarity" with the accused and "solidarity with all anti-fascist associations" on 6 November at 19:00 in the same place where the events occurred.
According to the solidarity group, Vox “is the most spectacular element of the system that tramples on us every day” and “the tip of the iceberg”. He has also pointed out that “the energy oligopoly that raises the price of light at home” or “the media and political forces that reproduce the machist violence” are part of that iceberg. In view of this, he stressed the need to put life "above the destructive logic of the capitalist market".
Martxoak 8a heltzear da beste urtebetez, eta nahiz eta zenbaitek erabiltzen duten urtean behin beren irudia morez margotzeko soilik, feministek kaleak aldarriz betetzeko baliatzen dute egun seinalatu hau. 2020an, duela bost urte, milaka emakumek elkarrekin oihukatu zuten euren... [+]
Larunbatean pertsona talde batek Tolosaldeako Kontseilu Sozialistako kide bati eraso egin ziola salatu dute. Azaldu dutenez, "faxistei aurre" egin zien propaganda jartzen ari zirela, eta piperbeltz espraiarekin zipriztindu zuten.