It was the turn of the mayor of San Sebastian, Eneko Goia. During the conference, four people have gone up on stage, displayed symbols against the High-Speed Train and chanted slogans against the infrastructure. After lowering all four of the platform for security, two other activists have risen from the crowd carrying their flags.
GOIA underestimated those who protested and expressed their indignation: "There are four cats that, in a rather pathetic way, have wanted to impose their opinion, once again, on a majority of society," he added. Arantza Tapia took the floor next, and also regretted the "imposition" that took place in the Basque Country.
The Minister for Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda, José Luis Ábalos, the Councillor for Infrastructure of the Basque Government, Arantxa Tapia, and the Director-General of the International Union of Railways, Francois Davenne, among others, have participated in the opening of the days organized in Donostia-San Sebastián.
Major infrastructure and development such as the High-Speed Train that is being imposed as an essential benchmark for development, well-being and modernity or, more recently, as an element to cope with climate challenges, require a large amount of money for planning and... [+]
Al-TAV-oz eguna antolatu du larunbatean Nafarroako AHTren kontrako mugimenduak Iruñean, datorren larunbatean. Plazara! zentroan egun osoko jardunaldia izango da hitzaldiekin, abiadura handiko trenari buruzko hausnarketa sustatu eta "eztabaidagune bat sortzea"... [+]
2030a aurretik Gasteiz eta Iruñea arteko AHTren tartea eraikitzeko aurreikuspenik ez dagoenez, halakorik ez eraikitzea proposatu du Europar Batzordeak. Berriaren harira, AHT Gelditu! mugimenduak adierazi du abiadura handiko trena gelditzea oraindik posible dela.