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Lasserre and Bru reappear, but Lassalle passes the witness to his brother

  • On 12 June, the first round has passed to the French Parliament. These are three constituencies of votes in the Northern Basque Country, whose names will be clarified in the second round of 19 June. Vincent Bru and Florence Lasserre are re-introduced in the framework of the March Republic of Emmanuel Macron [La Republique en Marche], and the former MEP, Jean Lassalle, from the centre-right, has not been re-introduced.
EH bai hiru bozka-barrutietan aurkezten da (Argazkia: EH Bai)

09 June 2022 - 10:29
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

He has translated two elections to the French Parliament and this Sunday is the first. Those who receive 12.5 per cent of the votes of those on the electoral list will be eligible for the second round.

Currently, Jean Lassalle (fourth demarcation), Florence Lasserre (fifth demarcation) and Vincent Bru (sixth demarcation) are the parliamentarians of Iparralde in the French Parliament. Lasserre and Bru reappear with Macron’s support as they did five years ago, while Lassalle gives the witness to his brother Julien.

The cities of Labourd are divided into the fifth and sixth constituencies of voting, and the fourth groups together Lower Navarre and Zuberoa, also bringing together part of Biarno (some villages in Lower Navarre are linked to the fifth).

The left wants to get the majority to cut off the road to Macron

Five years ago, over 350 of the 577 Members were chaired by Macron, the majority parliament. The right won 136 seats, and the Extreme Right National Union won eight. Left PS 42, France Submissive seventeen and the Communists won ten seats.

In this period, the left wants to get the majority to be able to cut the way to Macron’s politics. That is why the Socialist Party, the environmentalists Europe Ecologie, the Communist Party and the French Innocence have agreed to the joint candidature of Nupes, the Green People’s Union and the New Society. If they get the majority, they aim to place Jean-Luc Melenchon in the position of Prime Minister.

This is the political landscape for each district in the Northern Basque Country:

Fourth District: Name known as Lassalle

Jean Lassalle, a former MEP for twenty years, does not appear again and gives the witness to his brother Julien. Jean Lassalle is an esteemed in the rural and mountainous area, something that may be enough to put his brother Julien in the second round. Julien Lassalle, a former professional pastor, is known in the peasant world.

In total, there will be nine candidates in the first round, including Egoitz Urrutikoetxea, representing the left Abertzale coalition EH Bai, with Terexa Lekunberri next to him. Despite the good results of nationalists inside Ipar Euskal Herria, the constituency also includes Bearnoa, so the weight of nationalists will be weaker in the overall result.

As for the fourth demarcation, Iñaki Echaniz stands for the united left.

Fifth district: Unlike 2017, the left before?

Florence Lasserre first appeared in Parliament in 2017 and won the election, supported by the wind in favor of Macron, which this year will affect less, in view of the fact that there is also a citizen complaint against Macron. The Socialist Party lost its seat.

On this occasion, the Socialist Party, chaired by Sandra Hgh-Ostanel, is presenting itself within the unity of the left Nupes. On the left, however, there will be others, including ecologist Thibault Pathias, a refugee in the "Manu come from Paris", who has chosen to stand alongside the unitary candidature of the left. Mathilde Hary is also on behalf of EH Bai.

The Republican party on the right does not present anyone, but Lasser faces the tip of the right with Pascal Lesellier.

The total number of candidates is 11 in the fifth constituency.

EH Yes: Sixth place.

Vincent Bru faces ten candidates. As in the fifth demarcation, the sixth will show whether or not the voters want to continue with Macron’s policy. In fact, Bru returns with Macron’s support.

As far as the left is concerned, the Nupes unitary candidacy or the Left Abertzale coalition EH Bai will be the first force. What is clear is that the Peio Dufau presented for HD Bai has a chance of obtaining good results. The previous votes confirm the good results of the nationalists, and Candidate Dufau is a recognised and valued militant in the social, political and trade union struggle.



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