Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

The 'March to the incinerator of Gipuzkoa' on Saturday will start from the square Okendo de Lasarte-Oria

  • The Anti-Incinerator Movement has organised an event for this Saturday, March 27: It has encouraged the public to go to the Zubieta incinerator to protest under the slogan No to incineration, no to urban, non-industrial waste.
Zubietako erraustegira egindako martxa baten artxiboko irudia, 2018ko irailekoa.
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 3.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

25 March 2021 - 08:50

The march will start at 11:00 hours from Okendo Square in the capital of Alavesa. Lasarte-Oria’s Clean Air platform has joined the initiative. Marchists will need about an hour to reach the incinerator’s entrance in Zubieta. Once there, a concentration will be held at 12:00 hours in Tahrir Square.

You are interested in the channel: Errausketarik ez
2024-05-17 | ARGIA
March to the Zubieta Incinerator on Saturday from Lasarte
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2023-04-27 | Usurbilgo Noaua
March to highlight the "polluting reality of the incinerator" on Saturday
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2022-11-16 | ARGIA
Hernani presents the pollution data in the vicinity of the Zubieta incinerator
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2021-12-21 | ARGIA
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2021-11-24 | Leire Artola Arin
The Bergara Incinerator Project Round Table Raises Public Concern
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2021-11-05 | ARGIA
Mass concentration in Bergara against the incinerator project
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2021-09-13 | ARGIA
Anti-Incineration Movement Focuses on a Climate Emergency in Donostia
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2020-06-02 | ARGIA
GuraSOS: "José Ignacio Asensio lies"
On 11 May, the Committee on Petitions of the European Parliament sent a note stating that it is continuing to investigate the incinerator in San Sebastian. On the contrary, on 28 May, Asensio published his opposite position, alleging that the committee had rejected GuraSOS’s... [+]

2020-03-26 | Estitxu Eizagirre
Jaurlaritzaren “irtenbidea” Zaldibarkoaren ostean: erraustegi eta zementerak gizentzea

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2020-02-25 | ARGIA
Erraustegiaren Aurkako Mugimendua
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2020-02-05 | ARGIA
Erraustegiaren aurkako manifestazioa deitu dute, hau piztu bezperetarako

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2019-05-24 | Koldo Izagirre
Weekly history
28 January 2018

2019-04-26 | Patxi Aznar
Hautaketa okerra

2016an diputazioko agintariek esaten zuten, (Noticias de Gipuzkoa-k Si la incineradora supera argitaratua 2016/06/24) errauskailuak isuritako dioxinen  kopurua uneoro neurtuko zela. (…) Hurrengo manifestazioa, Erausketarik ez lemapean, maiatzaren 11n, arratsaldeko... [+]

Eguneraketa berriak daude