The day to be held on 17 October in the famous castle of Gamue is entitled Kukuletan Kalakan (or, in other words, in flower of the year) and its name refers to the maize that dominates the agriculture of Amikuze: the buds are aura flowers or corn grains, is one of the most important tasks of the year, today mechanized and until recently for schoolchildren and seasonal.
The organizers of the conference want to talk and reflect on Amikuze’s cultivation model(s): "Until recently in Amikuze, farmers were mostly homeowners (precarious tenants who were renewed each year's housing contract), dependent on the owners. The splendor of the Second World War has therefore had a special echo in our region. All of them can explain the way we have today to make the workable. We know that our ecosystem, food and otherwise, the complementary, cultivation and their practices are intimately linked, and on the other hand, this crop cannot be analyzed outside the current global system (productivism, free market,…). Thus, we have been awakened by some reflection: What is the situation of agriculture in our place? Had these Zenda elections been made? Is it that all farmers can live this way? What can citizens and consumers do? Is there an alternative? ".
Here is the video that people have put on Youtube to animate the day, played and sung by the Zirtziles de Amikuze (the lyrics of the song can be read in full on the Youtube page clicking on 'more show'):
On Saturday morning at 9:30 all participants will have the opportunity to share a coffee, to start, and then Peio Iralur will comment on this point: - Did you know the agriculture and the farmers? Peio Iralur, member of the SOS Indartu association, which is currently being portrayed, will focus its intervention on the baserritars facing serious difficulties: "Although for some the sector works well, the members of this association see that some of them live in a very precarious situation, that is, they strive to help them on a daily basis."
Next, the Catalan researcher Marc Badal, an expert in agroecology and consumption models, will take part in the following: "In the face of this, what can consumers do? ".
The second report was entitled: "From yesterday's crop model to today's blossoming," he said. On the one hand, Jean Michel Berho, the breeder and processor of Domintxin's control ducks, known for his resistance movement to prevent his assassination in the 2017 ducks crisis, after presenting the crop model imposed since the Second World War, will make a reference to the different models that have appeared in recent years. On the other hand, the farmer Mathieu Etxegarai will tell his experience in the professional field via the Internet.
As the organizers have recognized ARGIA, they have initially worked on a more complete program, adding to the talks the food of the participants, songs of the Libertrest of Amikuze, performances of bertsolaris known with musicated bertsos, etc. The restrictive measures caused by the second COVID19 attack, however, have limited the programme to conferences.
Anyone who has any doubts should know that it will be mandatory to wear a face mask, that the security measures established by the authorities will be respected and that direct translation to speakers in French will be ensured.
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