This Saturday, 16 March, the Socialist Council of Euskal Herria (EHKS) has organised a political day all day in San Sebastian (Gipuzkoa). It is a question of working on the authoritarian tendency of states through conferences on the struggle for the political rights of workers, imperialism and war, fascism or the electoral cycle. The specific programme has already been reported by EHKS with the time and venue of each session.
Within the day, and in order to denounce the "police persecution and repression of the last weeks", there will finally be a demonstration. EHKS has today published the call: by the end of the day, it has organised a mobilisation in Donostia to deal with violence and state repression. under the slogan. The protest will begin at 19:30 from Plaza Gipuzkoa.
Seven wounded with foam shells and eleven arrested
In the call, EHKS took into account all the cases of harassment and repression suffered in Euskal Herria in recent weeks, such as the charges of the Carnival of Tolosa (Gipuzkoa), Bilbao (Bizkaia) and San Sebastian before several football matches, of Vitoria (Álava) in the demonstration on 3 March, etc. In all these loads, dozens of people have been injured by the Ertzaintza, which in the last month has injured at least seven with foam shells.
In some of these burdens, the Ertzainas have occupied several people. If that were not enough, last week there was a giant raid on the Indar Gorri group in Navarra and six young militants of Lapurdi were arrested by police forces.
Characteristic character of the police
All these attacks will be reported by EHKS on Saturday's mobilization. He considers that these facts "reveal" the true nature of the police and the capitalist state in general. In fact, he stressed that "states use repression apparatus to keep the working class high".
On the one hand, "they oppose the different manifestations of the staff and oppose everything that remains outside the formal circuits of the State," says the SGEH. On the other hand, he warned that "through the police and courts they oppose social protest and independent political organization", with the aim of "keeping under control the growing instability in times of crisis".
EHKS clarifies that the "way of acting" of the police is not a "question of police model or managers", although the parliamentary parties on the left want to "sell" it. On the contrary, the central organisation of the Socialist Movement has stressed that it is what it is saying that "the basic function of repressive apparatuses within capitalist states".
General authoritarian reform
"We are facing a general authoritarian reform of the capitalist states in relation to the crisis we are experiencing," EHKS summarizes. "By the hand of the economic offensive against the workers", he recalled that "the bourgeoisie is strengthening its instruments of political domination", which he believes has at least two dimensions: "in foreign policy, capitalist states are rearming and preparing for war" and "inside are strengthening repressive apparatuses".
The "coping with this trend" has been considered by EHKS as fundamental, especially for those who "aim to disseminate the interests of the working class and the fighting conditions". "We have to fight violence and state repression and combat normalization," he adds.
Martxoak 8aren izaera iraultzailea berreskuratzeko deia egin du Itaia emakumeen antolakunde sozialistak. Irene Ruiz Itaiako kideak azaldu digunez, “oldarraldi erreakzionarioaren eta matxismoaren aurrean proposamen iraultzailea hauspotu eta kontzientzia sozialista... [+]
Larunbatean pertsona talde batek Tolosaldeako Kontseilu Sozialistako kide bati eraso egin ziola salatu dute. Azaldu dutenez, "faxistei aurre" egin zien propaganda jartzen ari zirela, eta piperbeltz espraiarekin zipriztindu zuten.