The Basque Government Minister for Economic Development and Infrastructure, Arantxa Tapia, said: "By prioritizing safety and adopting protective measures, industrial activity must be maintained. In part, everything that can be done with these measures. And he adds: "They're like an economic and industrial engine. When you've been standing for a long time, boot costs a lot, and it's slow. When it's in idle, it's easier to boot. And we have to be prepared for the moment when we can regain normality."
This type of statement differs from the confinement decreed by the alarm decree. The tapia itself could already “sustain” this industrial activity using public transport, the dining room and the clothes of these companies. What demonstrates the purpose of prioritizing industrial activity and economic interest over occupational health, besides being a good disciple of the wildest capitalism, is not worthy of being in a government at the service of the social majority of this country. And the one who holds it, the lehendakari Urkullu, has no less responsibility and therefore continues to have less dignity.
As in Italy, keeping the coronavirus requires a complete quarantine, and all in-person work that is not essential must be stopped. Therefore, the attitude of Councillor Tapia and those who support it is regrettable, antisocial, anti-human and contradictory at this serious time caused by the pandemic.
The workers in this situation have the right and the duty to stand before such decisions and to stay in their homes, as do the rest of the population. Health is above the economic interests of counsellor Tapia, of those who support it and of the system that makes it possible.