The Ertzaintza stopped at midnight on Friday at two vans who allegedly carried the illegal workers and headed for Europe to carry out their work there. One of the detainees carried ten people in the van, while the other carried 22.
The two 24-year-old drivers have been arrested for the crimes of illegal trafficking in workers and for putting road safety at risk. According to the Basque Government’s Department of Security, they were in the direction of France to operate in Europe.
Those arrested appeared before the judgment in the National Court on 2 and 3 November 2010. Drivers have been intercepted for different reasons and in different places, although it has been found that the two cases are related to the event.
On the one hand, in Tolosa (on the N-1, Lasarte sense), the driver who was transporting ten people in the vehicle was arrested. The van was identified as a result of a traffic accident that occurred in the place, since, after being attended, the Ertzaintza observed that eleven people traveled in the van, when the maximum number was nine. In addition, the police suspected that passengers were going illegally, so they were informed that they were false.
On the other hand, Mobile Brigade agents at Deba (Highway AP-8, Irun sense) located a camper that was without light and very slow. Following the Ertzaintza arrest warrant, the driver fled and later stopped at Zumaia's toll. The Ertzaintza has reported that 22 other people were inside the van and have tried the driver for risking the lives of passengers.
Institutuko giza baliabideak hobetzeko eskatu dute irakasleek, ikasleei kalitatezko arreta eman ahal izateko. Kartelekin eta pankartekin itxaron diete irakasleek lehendakariari. Jaurlaritzako ordezkariek ikastetxeko zuzendaritzari esan diote ez zutela "horrelakorik... [+]