The union has added that they will be opened 24 days late if the latest information is completed: "After three vacant tenders, on April 26, 2019, the management has been awarded to a company. This company has been presented for the management of the facilities from 1 May 2019 to July 2020. The facilities are not yet open," he says in a press release dated May 8. "The delay could be avoided, even more so when, like the City Hall, you are in a privileged position and you are able to foresee what can happen. Therefore, if you knew from the outset that it would be impossible to resume the service in May, you should not play with the information and you had to make it clear that the service would not be available until 1 June 2019. We wish once again to denounce the commitment and lack of seriousness that the municipal sports service has shown."
The union has also pointed out that municipal courses are not planned, not even those aimed at schools, so one of the fundamental pillars for the incorporation of young people into climbing will be lost.
Concentration in Salburua
The ESK trade union has convened a rally on Friday at 18:00 p.m. in front of the Salburua civic centre in the opening of new facilities for climbers. The union has appealed to all citizens affected by "shameful municipal management", according to radio broadcaster Hala Bedi.
"The City of Vitoria-Gasteiz always has money for some sports, but not for climbing"
Borja Donnay is a worker of the Vitoria-Gasteiz rocodromes. In October 2018, ARGIA released the testimonies collected by journalist Eñaut Agirrebengoa. "I work in the city's municipal rocodromes, but since September it can be said that I am unemployed," he said. "In fact, the City Hall has made unfortunate management of the facilities and has temporarily paralysed the service we have provided to it," he added. He also explained that rocodromes "have been managed in a social way", something that users value "very positively" and that is being made public. "They also believe that the situation is unfair. You know the City Hall has abandoned climbing. For some sports it always has money, but not for climbing. And we're not asking for impossible numbers.
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