The operator died this Monday while performing maintenance work in the center of the Labortana locality. Although the medical services intervened immediately, they failed to resuscitate him. The UGT trade union has demanded that the causes of this occupational accident be investigated.
The operator carried out electrical maintenance work for the Siemens subcontract. The worker has died at the Petronor refinery in Muskiz while performing the work.
Despite the rapid intervention of the health services, the union has pointed out that recovery was not possible. For its part, UGT has asked Osalan to investigate the occupational accident to determine the causes that have led to the death of the worker.
A total of 55 people died in Euskal Herria in 2024 due to work accidents. Several people have lost their lives in the Petronor refinery in Muskiz in recent years due to accidents at work: The last in 2020, 2017, 2013, 2010 and 2007.
Buñueleko (Nafarroa) kasuan, 34 urteko gizona makina batean harrapatuta geratu da. Arratzun (Bizkaia), aldiz, garabiak goi-tentsioko linea bat ukitu ostean hil da 61 urteko gizona.
Betsaide enpresan gertatu da, 08:00ak aldera. Urtea hasi denetik gutxienez bederatzi behargin hil dira.
2024ko laneko ezbeharren txostena aurkeztu dute LAB • ESK • STEILAS • EHNE-etxalde eta HIRU sindikatuek aurtengo otsailean. Emaitza larriak bildu dituzte: geroz eta behargin gehiago hiltzen dira haien lanpostuetan.