The Government of Navarre reports that the deceased was an employee of the company Gruas Barragán, which operates a crane on the road. Specifically, the 46-year-old worker was helping a broken vehicle when it was hit by a truck (according to the LAB, it was hit by a car). Despite the emergency services, the worker died there.The Civil Guard is investigating the case to determine the nature of the accident.
Seventh Dead Worker of the Year
According to the LAB union, it is the seventh worker killed in workplace accidents in 2025. There were 64 fatalities in 2024.
Buñueleko (Nafarroa) kasuan, 34 urteko gizona makina batean harrapatuta geratu da. Arratzun (Bizkaia), aldiz, garabiak goi-tentsioko linea bat ukitu ostean hil da 61 urteko gizona.
Betsaide enpresan gertatu da, 08:00ak aldera. Urtea hasi denetik gutxienez bederatzi behargin hil dira.
2024ko laneko ezbeharren txostena aurkeztu dute LAB • ESK • STEILAS • EHNE-etxalde eta HIRU sindikatuek aurtengo otsailean. Emaitza larriak bildu dituzte: geroz eta behargin gehiago hiltzen dira haien lanpostuetan.