The Workers’ Self-Defense Network of the Region of Pamplona last week denounced the bad working conditions suffered by workers at the Champions Buger day under the motto “The Champions Buger exploits the workers”.
The gastronomic event took place for eleven days in the Runa park of Pamplona, and according to the organizers, more than 150,000 people have gone there.
Last week the Network of Self-Defense Workers of the Region of Pamplona denounced in social networks “the miserable working conditions of the workers who work in it to increase their business benefits”. A couple of days later, on 27 September, in the face of these complaints, the Red and some workers from The Champions Buger demonstrated in the park itself to deal with bad working conditions. In the face of this complaint, the result of the management of the day was the dismissal of the workers called to face the working conditions, according to the Workers' Self-Defense Network on Monday.
According to the Sarean organization, the management of The Champions Burger replaced the application of the Collective Agreement of the Hospitality sector of Navarra with that of Valencia, with which the workers received half of their salary (time at 8 euros). These workers were also required to perform duties outside their employment category. As for the night and public holidays, the workers who worked from 22:00 to 06:00 did not charge the night plus, nor for working on public holidays and Sundays. Despite this, the company also denied them a 15-minute break.
Faced with this situation, those from the Region of Pamplona have called to contact the Self-Defense Networks of the places where The champions Buger has been.
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