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Rural revitalization practices

  • The UPNA offers the possibility of internships in rural areas through the Erasmus Sustraiak programme. The aim is to combat depopulation in Navarre.
Sustraiak Erasmus egitasmoko antolatzaileak eta parte hartzaileak.

27 February 2024 - 10:57
Last updated: 14:58
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

To know, penetrate and take root peoples. These are the foundations of the Erasmus Sustraiak project. Organized by the Public University of Navarra (UPNA), 44 students have the opportunity to practice in Navarros countries in a situation of depopulation. The project has three main objectives: to promote local development, to empower young people in rural areas and to raise the awareness of peoples. The President of Navarre, María Chivite, stressed that confronting depopulation is “a great challenge”: “The project is essential for young people to approach the people and know the people, their corners and their opportunities”.

The programme is aimed at young people under 30 and has two channels of participation: Be a student of any degree, master or graduate of the UPNA and have exceeded 50% of the credits or be in possession of the title of any university. This is a practical stay of 450 hours with a duration of four months. Students receive EUR 4,320 for the traineeships, but they must bear the costs and training resulting from them.

For the implementation of the practices, the institutions must have fewer than 250 workers and the localities must be at risk of depopulation. According to data from the Local Administration and the Directorate General for Depopulation, one in four municipalities is at serious risk of depopulation.

In addition, young people must develop a project to combat depopulation. To delve deeper into the project, they advise knowing the place of the practices and the surrounding peoples, as for others it is a reality “very far removed” from everyday life, although many students are rural.

Difficulties in staying in the peoples

Maite Bargilla has carried out internships in his locality, in the City of Santacara: “It has been very enriching and attractive.” Study Business Administration and Management and International Law and conducts a study to strengthen the economy and tourism in relation to cultural heritage: “He’s very grateful.”

Although in general the experience has been positive, he explained that for some students finding a house in the villages is “difficult”: “I have been lucky to be in my village”. That is why he believes that, for young people to be able to take root in the villages, “a lot of work must be done”: “There are young people who want to stay in the village, but they cannot.”



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