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Start a project to ensure the learning process of people with special educational needs in Vocational Training

  • The Professional Training Faculty Don Bosco de Rentería will design and implement a curriculum that takes into account all students, including those with special needs. They announce that it will be held for the first time in Vocational Training and that it is an innovative project that seeks “the inclusion and educational success of students with difficulties in the learning process”.
Erdi-mailako bi ziklotan eta goi-mailako ziklo batean abiatu dituzte proiektu pilotuak. (Argazkia: Errenteriako Don Bosco)

01 February 2023 - 10:49
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The key is the Universal Learning Design (IDU), where IDU proposes guidelines to work an inclusive curriculum easily accessible to all students, in order to ensure equal opportunities for all and meet the needs of all. According to this concept that already exists in education, it is necessary to take into account the differences of students and to form diverse educational contexts to reduce the difficulties and obstacles that each can have and that everyone has the same opportunity to learn.

Well, in Don Bosco de Errenteria, a project has been launched to publicize the Universal Design of Learning among Vocational Training Teachers, with the aim of starting up close and subsequently reaching the Vocational Training Faculty of the whole CAV: “Conclusions will be documented and with the material generated a bank of community information materials will be created”.

The methodology based on the challenges is already applied “successfully” in Vocational Training, to which this project adds the Universal Learning Design. This is “a pioneer in the Spanish state,” they highlighted in their presentation.

"Teachers have no training in special educational needs or in how to work to reduce these barriers"

The Aula IDU, in a collaborative learning project based on challenges, has the collaboration of Tolosaldea Lanbide Heziketa and the Dyslexia Association of Gipuzkoa Dislegi. The participating faculty is undertaking specialization courses in IDU that will be reinforced with others on special educational needs. These training courses will enable three pilot projects to be carried out in two medium-grade cycles (Technical Cycle in Telecommunication Facilities Don Bosco and Microcomputer Systems and Networks cycle in Tolosaldea) and in a higher degree cycle (Higher Technical Cycle in Mechatronics Industrial Don Bosco).

When the teacher does not reach the students

“It is common for the teacher to realize that he does not reach the students, but often he does not know how to cope with the special educational needs they have. Students have no problems with content, the problem is how this content reaches them, so there is no equity or inclusion in the classroom. Teachers have no training in special educational needs or in how to work to reduce these barriers. If they were trained in UID, many of them would make changes in their schools, which would affect all students.” The project promoters have commented on this.

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