How many people do you know in the workplace with functional diversity? And specifically people with intellectual disabilities? And in public employment?... By law, they account for 2% of public places, but often there are no calls adapted to them, so they cannot access this possibility. “The Administration has to be an example, and in some cases it is also being, like the 2019 call of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa or the last call of the City Council of San Sebastian; we want to encourage other administrations to follow that path, and we do not want to focus on that 2%, we want to claim that they have the right to access public employment and that we can do it among all,” said to ARNGIA. Atzegi works with people with intellectual disabilities in Gipuzkoa.
The more the collective is seen, whether at work or in social initiatives, the more "presence in society and, therefore, the more "real" will be for others. Any society that seeks respect for the rights of all people and the participation of all will undoubtedly be a better, richer and more diverse society," says Artola.
"An opposition is a race of substance. Fortunately, I have no illusion, and I also get a lot of help, but it doesn't help if there's no call for me."
In this sense, obtaining a public place of employment is a unique opportunity for people with disabilities and to "make their work capacity socially visible", says the Atzegi campaign. To this end, Atzegi has demonstrated his willingness to collaborate in the adaptation and preparation of the calls by the administrations.
"An opposition is a fundamental race, you have to be tenacious and responsible, the road is not always easy. That is why it is essential to be very motivated. Fortunately, I have no illusion, and I also get a lot of help. But it's no use if there's no call for me," says Marta Oronoz, Atzegi's colleague, in the campaign video:
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