The Elkarrekin We Can Party has sent a letter to the Labour Inspectorate denouncing this figure of “volunteer”, understanding that it has no other objective than “to eliminate labour costs and increase corporate profit”. Moreover, the party has highlighted that of the 170 "volunteers", eight are required to be in total freedom to work in the championship for six days, even if the championship lasts three days.
EH Bildu has also been critical of the organisers and stressed that the agreement and the fee for the end will not have to pay VAT. The coalition has denounced this "privilege".
Anyone who works in the Euroleague these days without charge of accommodation, food or transport may have to put the money in his pocket. Meanwhile, the organisers have received EUR 4 million: EUR 3 million from the hand of the Council of Álava and the Basque Government, and EUR 1 million from the hand of the City of Vitoria-Gasteiz and the Baskonia.
Gasteizko Udalaren bi txosten teknikok zalantzan jarri dituzte bertako instituzioek Euroligarekin sinatutako akordioaren hainbat puntu, Arabako hiriburuak jasoko duen 2019ko Final Four saskibaloi finalaren harira, SER irratiko kazetari Iker Armentiak jakinarazi duenez.