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Two companies are detained in Bilbao by imputing labour exploitation

  • They worked nine hours seven days a week and paid 200 euros a month. The irregular situation of workers forced employers to work under these conditions, threatening to alert the police and drive them out of the country.

24 May 2023 - 12:28
Last updated: 15:02

Two companies are arrested in Bilbao on charges of exploiting five workers. Workers worked nine hours seven days a week for EUR 200 a month. In the Ametzola district is the clothing workshop.

Foreign workers in situation irregular.Ellos tell the police that employers forced them to work under these conditions if they did not advise the police and threatened to leave the country. They say they closed the door inside to avoid inspections.

The Spanish police, together with the Bizkaia Labour Inspectorate, carried out the operation last Thursday, as Europe Press reported today. If crimes are proven, employers must pay a criminal offence and a financial penalty against workers’ rights. In particular, EUR 13,000 per worker, EUR 10,000 per unauthorised worker and EUR 3,000 for social security fraud.

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