Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Firefighters oppose the "irresponsible" process followed in the OPE

  • Hundreds of firefighters met on Wednesday morning at the front of Bilbao City Hall with work clothes and ready to make noise. They denounce the lack of transparency in sectoral competitions and call for the involvement of political representatives to channel their complaints.
Argazkia: Uriola.
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 3.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

16 December 2022 - 07:01

The workers who have met this morning on the City Hall stairs have called for a Public Employment Offer agreed with the unions and consider it necessary to lead the management from the local institutions without Arkaute. It is recalled that before the publication of the bases, workers' representatives warned of the risks arising from this unilateral management.

Thus, from the conditions of registration (authorization of access to personal history and validation of the results of psychotechnical tests, among others) to corrections (corrections that have not followed the legal procedure, modifications and rebarellation not collected in the databases), those responsible for "negligence" have been charged.

In addition, they denounce the overweight of psychotechnical tests, without valuing the knowledge needed for the position. On the other hand, the unions observed "discrimination" in the study, since in the case of geography there were two models.

Photo: Uriola.

As a result of this whole procedure, they stress that: "The services of the two fire brigades will be without experienced samplers." In Álava and Gipuzkoa, only a very small percentage of the interim staff were able to pass the first test.

On the other hand, "it has been given too short a time to make complaints about the questions, without having access to the booklet until the last moment and without giving one of the most psychotechnical". They consider that this "reduced" the right to the claim.

In conclusion, they wished to stress that aspirants have not been guaranteed the right to have the whole exercise carried out in Basque, although the bases did so.

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