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Oztibar teens will offer the ‘Laminosine’ show in Zarautz

  • The Bunuztar Xoriak dance group at Oztibar has created the Laminosine show. Combining traditional and contemporary dance, thirteen adolescents stage stories and mythological characters, giving space to the theater and the story. After the first three sessions in the Northern Basque Country, the fourth will be held in Zarautz on December 28, sharing the stage with the local dance group Jalgi.
Dantzari gazteak, irakasleekin (Argazkia: Banuztar Xoriak)

28 December 2022 - 00:00
Last updated: 2023-01-02 13:42:12
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Laminosine is a hole, a deep water well from Oztibar (Lower Navarra). It is said that there are lamias and that it is linked to the sea. Although the streams in the area run out of water, it seems that Laminosine increases with the high water and drops with the low water. If you want to return to the well, it is essential to walk. The dantzaris of the dance group Bunuztar Xoriak of Oztibar have been present, and now they take Laminose to different corners of the Basque Country in show format.

The show, which premiered in Donaixti-Ibar for a year and after passing through Donapaleu and Senpere, will stop at Zarautz on 28 December to stage the show in the new Lizardi Sports Hall. The organizers would like to “gather as many Zarauztarras as possible in the action”, and consider it an event that can have a place outside Zarautz because “they are from the north, they are young and come with a cultural transmission and a clear message”.

Laminosine consists of thirteen adolescents from the Bunuztar Xoriak dance group. Dance colleague Jenofa Bacho explained to Kanaldua that the process of creating the show began with the objective of motivating teenagers towards dance. “It has to be said that in the last two years, due to the conditions imposed on us by COVID-19, we have lost some dancers. We've felt a little more demotivation to keep dancing about the dancers that have been. We had to stop the dance courses, then change the dance courses of everyone and you couldn't give any more visualization. So, it’s true that motivation has slowed down rapidly, and we felt there was a need for something to reactivate that motivation and retain our young people.”

The project has also served to work on cultural transmission. Dancer and dance teacher Joana Erdozaintzi Etxart explained to Ipar Euskal Herriko Hitza that “we realized that young people did not know the histories of Oztibar mythology, he told us amamas.” Aware of this, they organized a mythology program with Claude Labat and a second session with the older people of Oztibar to tell stories they knew. Thus, the spectacle focuses on Basque mythology and the young people shook through the spectacle the tales of their ancestors.

Dance is the main expression of the show and combines traditional Basque dance with contemporary dance. In the words of Bachor, “the idea was to propose an opening outside the traditional Basque dance”. Alternating with dance, story and theater also have room and live music gives sound to the show. In the same line of dance, the txistus, percussion, alboka, accordion and keyboards start from the traditional sound in the musical field to create “new music”, according to the organizers of Zarautz.

Dance teachers Joana and Jenofa Erdozi Etxart, storyteller Jokin Irungaray and choreographer Fanny Marmayou have been shaping creation. In Erdozaintzi Hitza speaks with satisfaction of the result: “I’m passionate. If they are very exciting passages, we have asked them to give them for them.”

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