Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

The short will arrive on Thursday at the Gaztetxe de Soraluze

  • The short film circuit in Euskera Laburbira this year marks its eighteenth edition, and the eight short films in Euskera will be screened on Thursday at the Gaztetxe de Soraluze. The screening will start at 19:00 hours and after the screening of the films a colloquium will be held with the director of the film, the arrasatearra Xabier Vallina. This projection will be the first open initiative following the pandemic in the Gaztetxe, organized jointly by the Gazte Asanblada de Soraluze and Pil-pilean Euskaltzaleen Elkartea.
Gazte Asanbladako eta Pil-pilean elkarteko kideak.

26 May 2021 - 12:02

According to Laburbira's sources, during the 72 minutes that the performance lasts, the spectator will have the opportunity to experience hatred, laughter, fear, curiosity and revolt before his audience. "Among all the short films received, eight have been selected for their outstanding history and quality, as well as for the reception they have had at the festivals," they added.

The short films to be projected are as follows:

  • Aterpean Ateri (Ruben Crespo).
  • From me (Imanol G. Gurrutxaga).
  • Game Over (Ilune Diaz).
  • At the fall of the afternoon they will (Ekhiñe Aizkorbe, Sara Alonso, Irati Egibar, Julene Etxauri, Xabier Vallina and Irene Zaldua).
  • Alubias Championship (Andoni MTZ de Madina y Julen de la Serna).
  • Datorio (Aitor Arruti).
  • My daily love (Ximun Fuchs, Manex Fuchs, Eñaut Castagnet).
  • Agur (Iñigo Acha).



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