Tractors have been on the road since the first hour of the morning and have already begun to notice their presence on the roads. Since then, at 07:00, farmers have stopped traffic and caused agglomerations in some parts of the Basque Country Herria.La the idea is to close the highway between Gipuzkoa and Lapurdi to heavy transport for 24 hours from 10:00 hours. At first the limit has been completely closed and after two hours they have made a way for the coches.Aunque it is a one-day protest, if the objectives are not achieved, they do not rule out the conversion of the protest into indefinite or the realization of other protests.
This is not the first time they have closed the border, they did so also on 7 March, but farmers have denounced that no progress has been made since then. The protests are not limited to the Basque Country and are intended to close other Pyrenean borders such as Somport, Portalet (Aragon, Spain) and Jonque (Catalan Countries).
Among their demands are the lack of payment of fuel and energy tax, the prioritization of local products, the need for non-EU food to comply with higher safety conditions and the “rigour” of the rules on the Food Chain Law.
The demands are directly related to the European Union, as one third of its budget is intended for agricultural policies, where they will have to negotiate the common agricultural policy from 2027. Farmers have explained that they have protested voluntarily during the week of the European Parliament elections.
Many agricultural organizations have joined the protest, including: Association Ataca, Trebiñu and Araba Landaren Alde; Bagea Gipuzkoako Baserritar Gazte Elkartea Auzolana; Seed and Belarra of Navarra; Movimiento Independiente de France; and Again Elkartea. They are all farmers organized outside the trade unions.
Martxoaren 1ean ospatuko du NNPEK-k urteurrena argazki erakusketa eta txalaparta ikuskizun batekin.
The Sanmartines are well known in our homes, as it is time to kill the pig. However, many people will not know that before St. Martin's day marked the end of the agricultural year. And that was no nonsense. In fact, at the end of the year, I had to pay an annual rent to my... [+]
Are baserritars on vacation? They ask in school. The students have answered no. So, working every day, would you like to be baserritarra in the future? And if nobody wants to be a baserritarra, who is going to make food for us? The question stayed in the air.
For the health and... [+]
Much of the current left-wing movement, albeit intuitively, claims small-scale agriculture, without any doubt. However, this claim for smallness has its contradictions: a small farm, by definition, will not be able to produce a lot of food. And is that important? Well, in a... [+]
We have seen the peasants with power tractors, roads, bridges, blocking borders, and the heart made us “krak!” in solidarity, because we are also peasants children and brothers, because they are still striving to bring the farms ahead. We've heard protesters criticizing the... [+]
On 9 February, EHNE-Bizkaia and ENBA-Bizkaia, convened in Bilbao, held a concentration of demonstrations between the baserritars of Bizkaia and neighbours and neighbours who approached to show their solidarity. About a hundred tractors from different districts joined the area of... [+]