At the end of May, the exhibition on the work of Mikel Laboa was opened in Tabakalera, and a number of activities have been organized around it. Among them, the concert that Xalba Ramírez picked up in this chronicle. From tomorrow, however, the Lekeitio de Laboa audition cycle will be launched.
During the months of July and August, five sessions of the Lekeitioak section of Laboa will hold multi-piece auditions in the Tabakalera film hall. Each program will be led by an artist, and the goal is for Laboa's sound pieces to be heard and to know the intimate footprints they have left in the program.
1960ko hamarkadatik aurrera euskal kulturak izan zuen berpizkundean figura garrantzitsua izan zen Artze, Ez Dok Amairuko kideekin batera. Usurbilen jaioa 1939an, ostiral honetan hil da etxean, gaixo egon ondoren.
Donostiako Udaleko garbiketa zerbitzuek ezabatu egin zuten duela hamar egun Mikel Laboaren omenez Antigua auzoan egindako murala. Berriro margotu dute, erabakiak eragindako polemikaren ostean.
Donostiako Udalak euskal musikaren arloan ekarpen berezia egin duten edo horretan ari diren artistak omentzeko sortu du aurten Adarra Saria. Mikel Laboaren sorkuntza-lana eta nortasuna omenduko dute lehen edizioan, antolatzaileen esanetan, “euskal musikak XX. mendean... [+]