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Laboaldia in Azpeitia to pay tribute to Mikel Laboa and connect with new creators

  • This Wednesday they organized a new edition of Laboaldia in Azpeitia. They want to pay tribute to Mikel Laboa with a broad programme and something else: One of the objectives of the project is to convey the passion for creation, moving the universe of the Donostia musician to the current context.

20 November 2018 - 13:58
Mikel Laboa, artxiboko irudi batean.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

On 1 December it will be ten years since the death of Mikel Laboa and coinciding with the event, the Azpeitia Culture Bureau and the Kulturaz cooperative, in collaboration with other actors.

The project has a twofold objective: Of course, show Laboa’s poetic universe in its entirety, but also open the doors to new creators “to spread the craving to create, to help each one give the world in their own way.”

“Mikel Laboa’s work focuses on the voice and the song, like any popular song, and on a naked guitar. His work, however, encompasses many other worlds: he took words from poets of his time to sing, he chose the work of the painter Zumeta to put an image, he worked with other musicians…”, the organizers explained.

Programme of 11 days

On 21 November Laboaldia will begin with the exhibition Laboa gertutik, which will be open to the public until 2 December.

Two days later, on November 24, they will paint murals throughout the old town of Azpeitia. At 19:00 a.m., Alaitz Aizpuru will present the libretto of the film Laboaren begi in the municipal library of Azpeitia.

Next Tuesday, May 27, the chain of Laboa: past and present, Ana Gandara will offer a talk at the Sanagustin Cultural Center at 19:00 hours. The next day, 28 November, where is Mikel Laboa? Talk and guided tour by Josune Albisu.

Within Laboaldia, on 30 November, an excursion has also been organized to the studio that the painter José Luis Zumeta has in the Txikierdi district of Usurbil.

Laboa’s program will end with the tertulia and concert at eleven voices (December 1, 22:30) offered by Ibon Rodríguez at the Gaztetxe de Azpeitia (November 30, 21:30) and local musicians at the Sanagustin Cultural Center (22:30).

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