LAB calls on the Government of Navarra not to approve the distribution of EUR 400,000 by the UGT and CCOO unions and the CEN employers' organization "based on corporate interests and clientelism". "These institutions want to be judges and participants in the management of the Foundation's funds, so that no one enters the distribution of more money that meets their needs and interests," the Abertzale syndicate said.
"The Court of Auditors has concluded that in this financing system funds are previously allocated between CEOE, UGT and CCOO," said LAB in its statement.
LAB says that the Government of Navarra has two options: "Approve the clientele functioning of UGT, CCOO and the Navarros entrepreneurs of CEN, which harms the social majority in favor of corporate interests", or "defend the working-class alternative" defended by LAB, to improve working conditions, workers' rights, the publication of occupational health, etc. They indicate that it will follow the distribution of funds closely and that they will not rule out the judicial route.
Today, 50 years ago, the labor movement of the Basque Country wrote a very important chapter in its history. In Hegoalde, some 200,000 workers went on a general strike in protest against the Franco regime, which lasted two months. This mobilization made it clear that the... [+]