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LAB denounces that the PSN and Geroa Bai have decided to exclude political parties from the Public Procurement Board

  • According to the union, the parties that make up the Government of Navarra have decreed the status of privileges by means of an institutional participation reserved for the CCOO and UGT unions.
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 3.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

26 May 2021 - 09:05

On March 24, the LAB trade union publicly denounced that Geroa Bai and the PSN recovered an "exclusionary criterion" of years of Regime to exclude this trade union from the Public Procurement Board. LAB also announced that it would call for a meeting with the political parties to complete the call for "trade union apartheid" as soon as possible, and for compliance with the Public Procurement Act. However, after meeting with the representatives of the PSN and Geroa Bai – without Podemos responding to the plenary – these two parties, members of the Government of Navarra, have ratified their decision to maintain the exclusion of the LAB union.

The decision has been described as very serious: "On the one hand, from a democratic point of view, the parties that make up the current Government of Navarra (PSN and Geroa Bai) have restored the state of privilege with an institutional participation reserved for the CCOO and UGT unions, and it is worth remembering that the union of CCOO and UGT does not reach half of the trade union representation in Navarre. On the other hand, the decision has shown the political will of both parties to prevent changes that break the current scheme that benefits companies, but harms thousands of workers".

The union has underlined that the mobilisation of trade union, social and political agents, as well as the activation of the social majority, managed to end from 2015 an exclusive participation that excluded those privileges in the form of public money and broad groups and social sectors. "In other words, the times when the struggle managed to get them started were changing. However, PSN, CCOO and UGT have not changed, what's more, they don't want to change anything. And, moreover, unfortunately, Geroa Bai has gone back with them," they said.

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