Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

LAB has symbolically occupied the seat of the Government in Bilbao asking for the consolidation of more jobs in Education

  • On 23 May, LAB held the seat of the government’s territorial delegation in Bilbao. With this action, they request "to put an end to structural precariousness" and to stabilize more jobs for teaching staff, special education staff and kitchen and cleaning personnel under the Department of Education.

24 May 2022 - 07:32

“Real Consolidation now! Under the motto “Supports the Education Staff!”, LAB has occupied the Government’s territorial delegation in Bilbao. The union calls on the Department of Education to strengthen more jobs and to take measures for workers in the Basque Country.

LAB: "The Department of Education offers are not enough"

The union calls, through the occupation action, for "more places to be offered in public job offers in the stabilization processes". He denounces that precariousness is structural: "In labor collectives, temporality and precariousness have been structural in recent years. In the groups of special education personnel, 14 years have passed without a OPE call and 21 years in the kitchen and cleaning services. For this reason, the assistance contracts that have been repeated year after year must be part of the offer and be consolidated, are structural posts".

It points out the specific cases to be stabilized in each specialty: "In the case of teachers, structural jobs, currently budgeted, and reserved jobs, especially those covered by secondment in support services (vocational training, Iraleak, boarding schools or Berritzegune). In special education, all works and service contracts that are repeated annually. And in the group of cooks and cleaners, the fraudulent job accumulation contracts that repeat each course."

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